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· 4 min read

Our cloud-native adventure begins with the API layer - the magical bridge between the front-end UI and the back-end services. For our Todo project, we're keeping the API simple and efficient. Express.js is our chosen framework, a tried-and-true Node.js project. With the power of Copilot Chat, we'll be speeding through the process in no time!

How do you typically approach building a new API for a cloud-native project?

Fire Up the Dev Container

In the previous chapter of our journey, 002-developer-environment-setup, we set up a robust dev environment. Now, it's time to bring it to life! Open it in GitHub Codespaces or locally on your computer with Visual Studio Code (Docker installation required).

Whether you're the lead developer or part of a team, whether you're working on a familiar project or exploring new territories, you've got options. Visual Studio Code and the dev container for local work, or Codespaces for a cloud-based approach.

Stay in the dev container

If you are like me, your local computer may not be a workhorse so docker may not be started when you start working on your project. You can start using Copilot chap locally, then realize you need the dev container for something. The Copilot chat stays with the environment, it doesn't move (at this time). If you are 20 questions into your conversation with a few side trips here and there, switching environments and not having the chat to reference is frustrating.

If you are using dev containers and Copilot chat, start and stay in the container for the entire conversation.

Building an API with Copilot Chat

In just half an hour, Copilot Chat helped me create a fully functional API, complete with types, linting, tests, and a build-test workflow. Here's a sneak peek into the prompts I used:

  1. Building a todo microservice with Node.js and TypeScript.
  2. Adding tests for the todo API.
  3. Refactoring server.ts for both server and test.
  4. Modifying server.ts for CRUD operations.
  5. Providing initial sample data.
  6. Creating an OpenAPI yaml for the API.
  7. Adding an OpenAPI UI route.
  8. Setting up ESLint with Prettier.
  9. Deciding .gitignore contents.
  10. Moving openapi.yaml to the dist folder using tsc.
  11. Creating a GitHub action for linting, building, and testing.
  12. Identifying missing microservice elements.
  13. Adding type safety.

Refining Types and Refactoring

There was some back-and-forth over types and refactoring. Copilot shone in evaluating incoming API request data. After a few prompts, the validation looked like this:

export interface Todo {
id: number;
title: string;

export interface PartialTodo {
id?: unknown;
title?: unknown;

const todoSchema = Joi.object({
id: Joi.number().greater(0).required(),
title: Joi.string().min(1).max(1000).required(),

const todoPartialSchema = Joi.object({
id: Joi.number().greater(0),
title: Joi.string().min(1).max(1000).required(),

export interface TodoValidation {
valid: boolean;
error: Error | null | string | ValidationErrorItem[];
todo: Todo | PartialTodo | null;

export const validateTodo = (
todo: PartialTodo,
isNewTodo: boolean = false
): TodoValidation => {
const schema = isNewTodo ? todoPartialSchema : todoSchema;
const { error } = schema.validate(todo);
if (error) {
return {
valid: false,
error: error.details,
todo: null,
return { valid: true, error: null, todo };

Copilot also excelled in creating logging handlers for requests and responses, and in adding those handlers to the route.

Copilot's Strengths

Copilot gave me a flying start. While some answers lacked details, running the app or tests quickly revealed any errors, which were easy to fix.

Copilot's Weaknesses

Despite the conversation and the wealth of examples, I encountered more issues than expected. For more obscure subjects, I'd recommend breaking down the steps more atomically.

Why Not Use Existing Code?

Sure, there are plenty of examples on GitHub. But navigating licenses and attributions can be tricky. I preferred to avoid any potential missteps.

Time Investment

From start to finish, the project took about 2 hours. There were a few hiccups along the way, but each step was small, making issues manageable. Considering everything, 2 hours is a solid benchmark for a proof-of-concept project.

· 6 min read

While this project is focused on cloud-native, I set up my environment the same way for every project, with GitHub repositories and dev containers. This allows me to move from my Windows laptop, to my Mac M1, and on to GitHub Codespaces when demo-ing.

YouTube video

How do you ensure a consistent developer setup on your team? Survey

Visual Studio Code + dev containers

If you haven't heard of dev containers, let me welcome you to the club. I ❤️ dev containers.

"A development container (or dev container for short) allows you to use a container as a full-featured development environment."

Visual Studio Code has taken this idea, realized how hard Docker can be for newbies, and sorted it out so it is generally painless for beginners. By the time you want to expand beyond the beginner environment, you are ready to ask the right questions.

Meet my good friend Docker

Imagine you want to work in environments other than your current computer, and you don't want to deal with the time and complexity of installations and configurations. A general configuration will do. That's kind of the mentality that eventually (down a long dark road of VirtualBox and Vagrant) led to Docker.

There are many (many!!!) versions of Docker images on Docker Hub for you. This generally just means knowing an image's name. Some images are from manufacturers and some are from community contributions, with improvements and opinions about what the image should have.

Visual Studio Code also has some images, meant specifically for development environments. The base image supports a lot of programming languages and tools so don't feel like you need to research images just yet. The basic image will do.

  1. Make sure Docker is running on your computer.
  2. Make sure you have the Visual Studio Code's Dev Containers extension added.
  3. Pick a Dev containers quickstart in the Visual Studio Docs.
  4. My favorite is the Open an existing folder in a container.
  5. The steps ask you questions and you answer. Its straightforward and to the point. No cumbersome CLI with many switches to understand.
  6. It picks an image for you and asks you if you need anything else. So early in the project, you don't. You can always come back later and check a box if you need something.

Where's the AI?

This is pretty routine for me - I've been in Dockerland for many years so I haven't necessarily asked Copilot for help. However, you can always ask Copilot for advice or next steps. Make sure you have any relevant code in the main Visual Studio editor so Copilot can find the best answer.

Prompt: I need to set up a Todo microservice. What Visual Studio Code dev container would you suggest?

GitHub Copilot: For a JavaScript project using npm and React, I would suggest using a Node.js based dev container. Visual Studio Code has a predefined Node.js & TypeScript dev container that could be a good starting point.

Here's a basic setup:

  1. Install the "Remote - Containers" extension in Visual Studio Code.
  2. Open your project folder in VS Code.
  3. Press F1 to open the command palette and run the "Remote-Containers: Add Development Container Configuration Files..." command.
  4. Choose "Node.js & TypeScript" from the list.

My perspective: This isn't the entire response. Copilot immediately went into dense Docker file syntax. Visual Studio Code does a great job of keeping you out of that.

My dev container setup for Node.js and TypeScript

Here is how I set up my dev container:

  1. I brought the dfberry/cloud-native-todo down to my local computer. You should fork then clone it if you want to do the same.
  2. Open the local repository in Visual Studio Code.
  3. Docker is running and the Visual Studio Code's Dev Containers extension is installed.
  4. Reopen the folder in a New Dev Container.
  5. That pops up a list of container configuration templates.
  6. I selected the one which uses my language of choice: Node.js & TypeScript and an appropriate version (18). If you choose a different template, your questions may be different.
  7. Visual Studio Code reopened with a new terminal prompt, which indicated I was in a dev container environment.
  8. I checked the Node.js version just to make sure: node --version and got back v18.18.0. My dev container works and all I did was answer questions. For a newbie to Docker and containerization, this is a huge time saver. You will eventually know Docker, but you don't need to know it on day 1.

Where is the new dev container?

Visual Studio Code added a file to the repository found in the .devcontainer folder, named devcontainer.json. Open it up.

You'll notice some settings are commented out, you'll eventually use them, but not just yet.

For now, the most important parts are the image which is equivalent to your operating system and its additional installations, and the customizations property which is probably empty.

Since I know I want to use Copilot as my pair programmer, I need to add that to the environment. In the Visual Studio extensions, search for GitHub Copilot Chat and select Install in Dev Container. This adds the appropriate setting to the customizations property.

One final setting I use a bit is the postCreateCommand. I usually add some npm packages for developer experience here but for now I just want to make sure the correct versions of the tools are in the environment.

At this point, my devcontainer.json looks like:

// For format details, see For config options, see the
// README at:
"name": "Node.js & TypeScript",
// Or use a Dockerfile or Docker Compose file. More info:
"image": "",

// Features to add to the dev container. More info:
"features": {

// Use 'forwardPorts' to make a list of ports inside the container available locally.
// "forwardPorts": [],

// Use 'postCreateCommand' to run commands after the container is created.
"postCreateCommand": "node -v && npm -v && git -v",

// Configure tool-specific properties.
"customizations": {
"vscode": {
"extensions": [

// Uncomment to connect as root instead. More info:
"remoteUser": "root"

Check the dev container into source control

Now that you have a working dev container, check it into source control and ask everyone on the team to try it out. This simple container should work on all hosts (host is the term for the machine running the container). More complicated dev containers may not work the first and take some tinkering.

Where's the Cloud-Native?

You may be wondering why there isn't any cloud-native code yet. Don't worry, I'll get to it. Setting up a dev environment that works for every member of your team paves the way to a smooth development experience. Take the time to make sure the dev container is configured correctly and works for everyone.

Sample Code Repository


This is how I approach a consistent developer experience across a team. How do you do it? Let me know. Survey

· 5 min read

I've been working in the Azure cloud for a few years now. The term cloud-native gets used a lot. In an effort to bridge the gap between Azure cloud and cloud-native, I'm investing some time in learning cloud-native approaches to building apps.

Along the way, I'll use and experiment with practices and tools to expedite the end result. Join me along the way, and let me know how you would have proceeded.

To start with, my tool set includes:

This blog will capture the highlights. For the complete picture, head over to the GitHub repo: Cloud native repo.

What is cloud-native?

Prompt: What is cloud-native?

GitHub Copilot: Cloud-native is an approach to building and running applications that takes full advantage of the cloud computing delivery model. It is characterized by the use of containerized applications, microservices architecture, and dynamic orchestration, all of which are designed to be highly scalable, resilient, and agile. The goal of cloud-native is to enable organizations to build and deploy applications faster, with greater flexibility and reliability, while also reducing costs.

How do I begin?

Prompt: Where do I start on a new project for cloud-native?

GitHub Copilot: When starting a new project for cloud-native, there are several steps you can take to ensure that your application is designed for scalability, resilience, and agility. Here are some general steps you can follow:

  1. Choose a cloud platform: Select a cloud platform that meets your needs and provides the services and features you require. Some popular cloud platforms include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

  2. Define your architecture: Define the architecture of your application, including the components, services, and data stores that you will use. Consider using microservices architecture, which can help you build more scalable and resilient applications.

  3. Use containers: Use containers to package your application and its dependencies, making it easier to deploy and manage your application across different environments.

  4. Use container orchestration: Use a container orchestration platform like Kubernetes to manage your containers and ensure that your application is highly available and scalable.

  5. Use automation: Use automation tools like Ansible, Terraform, or CloudFormation to automate the deployment and management of your application.

  6. Use monitoring and logging: Use monitoring and logging tools to track the performance and health of your application, and to identify and troubleshoot issues.

  7. Use security best practices: Follow security best practices to ensure that your application is secure and protected from attacks.

By following these steps, you can build a cloud-native application that is designed for scalability, resilience, and agility, and that can provide a better experience for your users.

First cloud-native project?

Prompt: What is a simple project I can use for my first cloud-native project?

GitHub Copilot: A simple project that you can use for your first cloud-native project is a web application that allows users to create and manage to-do lists. This project can be built using a microservices architecture, with separate services for user authentication, to-do list management, and data storage.

My perspective

A todo list is perfect, there are plenty of examples:


Prompt: Can you suggest a beginning architecture of a todo app which is cloud-native?

GitHub Copilot: here's a beginning architecture for a cloud-native to-do app:

  1. Frontend: A web or mobile app that allows users to create and manage to-do lists. The frontend can be built using a framework like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

  2. API Gateway: An API gateway that serves as the entry point for the application and routes requests to the appropriate microservices. The API gateway can be built using a tool like Kong, Istio, or AWS API Gateway.

  3. Authentication Service: A microservice that handles user authentication and authorization. This service can be built using a tool like Auth0, Okta, or AWS Cognito.

  4. To-Do Service: A microservice that handles the creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of to-do items. This service can be built using a framework like Express.js, Spring Boot, or Flask.

  5. Database: A database that stores the to-do items and user information. The database can be a SQL or NoSQL database like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or DynamoDB.

  6. Container Orchestration: A container orchestration platform like Kubernetes that manages the deployment and scaling of the microservices. Kubernetes can be used to deploy the microservices as Docker containers and manage their lifecycle.

  7. Monitoring and Logging: A monitoring and logging solution like Prometheus, Grafana, or ELK Stack that provides visibility into the performance and health of the application.

By following this architecture, you can build a cloud-native to-do app that is designed for scalability, resilience, and agility, and that can provide a better experience for your users.

More resources

Read the full conversation: Cloud native repo - introduction.